Saturday, May 30, 2015

Travel plans

Here' what you can expet this summer as you make plans to travel. 
You will need shoes, clothes,and all the extras to make you feel great on that trip oh an let's not for get bath room supply's.. 
So let's get organized. 
Let's see if these tips make it easy : for a road trip , flying tips next time!
Put all the shoes your going to take in zip lock bag. They sell these where they sell most zip lock bags
The plastic zip bags that the comfort bedding comes in make nice shoe bags as well and they'd have a handle on them too. 
Pack only what you will use,leave behind all the extra "I might need stuff " same in the bath room stuff as well..
If you have a trip with different weather temps AND causal to very dressy clothes needed. Start with what you wil need for the dressy event ( I get dressed in the out fit and lay out what make up I would wear an what I would put on my hair  than I set all that a Side to be pack.) Than I pick two warmer out fits and two cooler out fits .. I pack a bathing suit always never know when you might get to take a swim. 
I have a truck so I put the shoes in a tupper tub in the bed of the truck ( which has a cover on it, love it. Like having a big trunk ) 
I pack all bathroom stuff in a travel over night pack any shape or kind I put that in the bed of the truck too. 
This time i left all the clothes on their hangers an laid them in a duffle bag . Unpacking made easy too!
Any thing not on a hanger I put at the ends of the duffle bag. I just laid it in a pile when I unpack 
Add a laundry bag of your choice and do wash as needed /wanted. This goes in the bed of the truck 
Don't for get the food snaks and drinks of your liking and your all set this goes in the back seat. 
Hope the tips help keep your vacation organized an relaxed. 